On Phoenix Mound where phoenixes once flew,
Now empty stands the mound, the river flows on through.
The flowers and grass of Wu’s palace bury hidden paths,
The robes and hats of Jin’s age turn to ancient mounds of dust.
Three peaks loom half-hidden beyond the blue sky’s veil,
Two rivers part, enclosing White Heron Isle.
Always it’s the floating clouds that obscure the sun’s light,
Not seeing Chang’an fills my heart with sorrow’s plight.
- “凤凰台上凤凰游,凤去台空江自流。”翻译为“On Phoenix Mound where phoenixes once flew, Now empty stands the mound, the river flows on through.” 这里通过“once flew”和“empty stands”对比,传达了凤凰台从繁华到荒凉的转变,以及江水的永恒流动。
- “吴宫花草埋幽径,晋代衣冠成古丘。”翻译为“The flowers and grass of Wu’s palace bury hidden paths, The robes and hats of Jin’s age turn to ancient mounds of dust.” 通过“bury”和“turn to ancient mounds of dust”表达了历史的沧桑感。
- “三山半落青天外,二水中分白鹭洲。”翻译为“Three peaks loom half-hidden beyond the blue sky’s veil, Two rivers part, enclosing White Heron Isle.” 这里用“loom half-hidden”和“part, enclosing”描绘了山水之间的和谐美景。
- “总为浮云能蔽日,长安不见使人愁。”翻译为“Always it’s the floating clouds that obscure the sun’s light, Not seeing Chang’an fills my heart with sorrow’s plight.” 通过“floating clouds that obscure the sun’s light”比喻政治上的障碍,而“Not seeing Chang’an”则表达了诗人对长安(象征朝廷或理想)的思念和忧愁。
注重修辞:原诗中的比喻、象征等修辞手法在翻译中也得到了体现,如“浮云蔽日”翻译为“floating clouds that obscure the sun’s light”,既保留了原诗的意象,又传达了深层含义。